He wore trousers of blue cloth , boots tolerably clean , but not of the brightest polish , and a little too thick in the soles , buckskin gloves , a hat somewhat resembling in shape those usually worn by the gendarmes , and a black cravat striped with white , which , if the proprietor had not worn it of his own free will , might have passed for a halter , so much did it resemble one 他的裤子是用蓝布做的,皮鞋非常干净,但擦得并不很亮,而且鞋跟略微太显厚了一点儿戴着鹿皮手套一顶有点儿象宪兵常戴的那种帽子和一条黑白条纹的领结。这个领结如果不是主人爱惜的话,原本可以不用了。